Clipper ( look at an article in Wikipedia ) is a programming language from the xBase-family, and a programming environment, which includes a compiler for this language. When compared, for example, with C - we have a C language and various programming environments for C - Borland C Builder, Microsoft Visual C, etc. The programming environment Clipper includes, besides the compiler, RTL ( Run-time library ), suitable fullscreen debugger and a set of utilities. Last version of a Clipper programming environment- 5.3 was released in 1995, last patch - 5.3b - in 1997. Later other programming environments for a Clipper language appeared. One of them, and, probably the most successful, is Harbour. There is a section on this site about it. The programming environment Clipper I do not use for a long time already, but the Clipper language I actively use so far with Harbour programming environment.
The following materials have been created previously (in the early 90's) for Clipper, but with the same result ( excepting mouse support module ) can be used in a Harbour environment.
- Dbc, binaries and sources
- - extended DBU - database utility, with many useful features, including create/execute queries with SQL syntax.
- Query optimization
- - an article about methods, allowing vastly accelerated performance of such operations, as a searching, filtration etc., with source code and sample.
- Mouse for Clipper applications.
- -An article about adding mouse capabilities into Clipper application with source and sample.
- More Clipper stuff, all with source, including
- Report engine for DOS and Windows Clipper applications
Source and sample of report - DOS and Windows versions.
- module for large text file view with possibility of printing (whole text or block),
- calculator,
- utility for modifying databases using simple script, it is convenient when you need to make upgrade of your program for few or more clients.
- browse module with mouse support.
- Ini file reading - function, (with source code and sample) which can load from ini files arrays of any structure, described in natural form, codeblocks and other variables.
And yet another link - the mirror of a well known Oasis of Phil Barnett.