
DbcH - Data Base Control (Harbour) is an utility that allows complete multi-user access to xBASE databases and indexes.

Here you can download the following binaries and sources:

Console version:

GUI version:

Pay attention to the file dbc.ini. It has the same set of options for console and GUI versions. DbcH first reads the ini-file, located near the executable file, and then the one that is in the directory from which you launched DbcH, so you can override Dbc options for different directories.

Dbc.ini options.

Section [MAIN]:
Shared = On
Swith the Shared mode.
Readonly = Off
Swith (switch off in this case) the Readonly mode.
DateFormat = dd.mm.yyyy
Set the date format to show in a browse.
Swith the interface language. If lEngl == Off, the language is Russian ( for console version only).
Index = ntx
Set the default database driver. In this case - dbfntx, in all other - dbfcdx.
BrwFont = MS Sans Serif,0,-17
Browse font( for GUI version only ).
AppCodePage = RU1251
Application codepage ( for GUI version only ).
DataCodePage = RU866
The codepage of dbf files ( for GUI version only ).
Section [LETO]:
ServerPath = //
The path to the LetoDB server.
Section [ADS]:
ServerPath = //
The path to the ADS server.

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