HwGUI 2.23 reference manual  
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5. Functions

5.1. Common dialogs

hwg_SelectFont( [ oFont ] )
This function calls the standard dialog for font selecting.
Usually it isn't needed to call this function directly, use HFont():Select( oFont ) instead.

hwg_SelectFile( cDescript,cMask,[ cInitDir ], [ cTitle ] )
This function calls the standard dialog for file selecting.
  • cDescript - this string appears in the dialog as a description of a file type. In Windows version this parameter may be an array of descriptions ({ "All files", "Dbf files"});
  • cMask - string type parameter, describing the file mask ("*.dbf", for example). In Windows version this parameter may be an array of masks ({ "*.*", "*.dbf"}); The length of this array must be the same as of cDescript;
  • cInitDir - optional string parameter, the initial directory for file selecting.
  • cTitle - optional string parameter, the title of a dialog box.
  • Return value - a string with a selected file name, or an empty string, if a file wasn't selected.
An example:
   cFileName := hwg_Selectfile( {"dbf files( *.dbf )","All files(*.*)"}, ;
      {"*.dbf","*.*"}, cPath )

hwg_SelectFileEx( [cTitle] [,cInitDir] [,aDescript] ) (GTK only)
Another standard dialog for file selection.
  • cTitle - optional string parameter, the title of a dialog box.
  • cInitDir - optional string parameter, the initial directory for file selecting.
  • aDescript - an array like { { "Dbf files", "*.dbf" }, { "All files", "*" } } with file masks and descriptions;
  • Return value - a string with a selected file name, or an empty string, if a file wasn't selected.
An example:
   cFileName := hwg_SelectFileEx( ,, { { "Dbf files", "*.dbf" }, { "All files", "*" } } )

hwg_SelectFolder( cTitle )
The standard dialog for folder selection.
  • cTitle - optional string parameter, the title of a dialog box.
  • Return value - a string with a selected folder name, or an empty string, if a folder wasn't selected.

hwg_SaveFile( cPrompt,cDescript,cMask,cInitDir,cTitle ) (Windows only)
This function calls the standard dialog for file saving.
  • cPrompt - this string appears as a prompt of a file name.
  • cDescript - this string appears in the dialog as a description of a file type.
  • cMask - string type parameter, describing the file mask.
  • cInitDir - optional string parameter, the initial directory for file selecting.
  • cTitle - optional string parameter, the title of a dialog box.
  • Return value - a string with a selected file name, or an empty string, if a file wasn't selected.
An example:
   fname := hwg_Savefile( "*.htm","( *.htm )","*.htm", cPath )

hwg_PrintSetup( @cPrinterName ) (Windows only)
This function calls the standard dialog for printer selecting.
  • Return value - handle to device context ( hDC ) of selected printer, 0 - if a printer wasn't selected.
  • Writes to the cPrinterName parameter the name of a selected printer.

hwg_ChooseColor( nColorCurrent )
This function calls the standard dialog for color selecting.
  • nColorCurrent - a numeric parameter, initial value of a color,
  • Return value ( numeric ) - selected color, Nil - if a color wasn't selected.

5.2. MessageBoxes and HwGUI dialogs

hwg_MsgInfo( cMessage,cTitle )
hwg_MsgStop( cMessage,cTitle )
hwg_MsgOkCancel( cMessage,cTitle )
hwg_MsgYesNo( cMessage,cTitle )
hwg_MsgYesNoCancel( cMessage,cTitle )
hwg_MsgNoYes( cMessage,cTitle ) (Windows only)
hwg_MsgRetryCancel( cMessage,cTitle ) (Windows only)
hwg_Exclamation( cMessage,cTitle )

These all are standard message boxes with a different buttons set.

  • cMessage - a message text;
  • cTitle - a title of a box;
  • Return value ( logical ) - for those of them, which has more than one button.

hwg_MsgBeep( nSound ) (Windows only)

hwg_ShellAbout( cText1, cText2 [,hIcon] ) (Windows only)

hwg_MsgGet( cTitle, cText, nStyle, nLeft, nTop, nDlgStyle, cInitStr )
Creates a dialog box to input a string.
  • cTitle - a title of a box;
  • cText - a prompt for the input;
  • nStyle - a WinAPI style for a GET item (ES_PASSWORD, for example);
  • nLeft, nTop - coordinates of the left upper corner of a dialog box;
  • nDlgStyle - a WinAPI style for a dialog;
  • cInitStr - init value of a string;
  • Return value ( string ) - the string, which you entered, empty - if you press CANCEL.

hwg_WChoice( arr, cTitle, nLeft, nTop, oFont, clrT, clrB, clrTSel, clrBSel, cOk, cCancel )
Creates a dialog box to select from a list.
  • arr - an array, one-dimensional or multidimensional, which represents the list;
  • cTitle - a header of a dialog box;
  • nLeft, nTop - dialog box left upper corner coordinates;
  • oFont - a font for a dialog, an object of HFont class;
  • clrT, clrB - colors ( text and background ) of a browse;
  • clrTSel, clrBSel - colors ( text and background ) of a selected row of a browse;
  • cOk - a caption of a button to confirm selecting. If this parameter is omitted, the button will not present;
  • cCancel - a caption of a button to cancel selecting. If this parameter is omitted, the button will not present;
  • Return value - the number of selected row, 0 - if nothing is selected.

5.3. Drawing functions.

  • Return value - a pointer to a paint structure.
It is called during the painting (usually it is a Paint() method), together with two next functions, hwg_BeginPaint( handle, pps ) and hwg_EndPaint( handle, pps ).

hwg_BeginPaint( handle, pps )
This function starts painting.
  • handle - handle of a painted object;
  • pps - a pointer to a paint structure;
  • Return value - handle of a device context (hDC).

hwg_EndPaint( handle, pps )
This function ends painting.
  • handle - handle of a painted object;
  • pps - a pointer to a paint structure.

hwg_Getdrawiteminfo( lpDis ) (Windows only)
If a control has SS_OWNERDRAW style and messages for him aren't handled by HwGUI (look at 3.9. Inside HwGUI), the handler of ON PAINT gets as a second parameter a pointer to DRAWITEMSTRUCT WinAPI structure, which contains an information, needed to draw this control. A function hwg_GetDrawItemInfo( lpDis ) extracts this info and returns to a programmer as an array.
While drawing these controls functions hwg_DefinePaintStru(), hwg_BeginPaint(), hwg_EndPaint() shouldn't be used.
  • lpDis - a pointer to DRAWITEMSTRUCT;
  • Return value - an array aDrawItem with an information about widget being painted;
    aDrawItem[3] - hDC;
    aDrawItem[4] - nLeft, left border of drawing area;
    aDrawItem[5] - nTop, top border of drawing area;
    aDrawItem[6] - nRight, right border of drawing area;
    aDrawItem[7] - nBottom, bottom border of drawing area;

hwg_GetClientRect( handle )
  • handle - handle of a control;
  • Return value - an array aArea with a control client area coordinates;
    aArea[1] - nLeft, left border of client area;
    aArea[2] - nTop, top border of client area;
    aArea[3] - nRight, right border of client area;
    aArea[4] - nBottom, bottom border of client area;

hwg_SelectObject( hDC, handle )
This function selects an object of HFont, HPen or HBrush class as current for drawing area, i.e., all subsequent drawing operations will use it.
  • hDC - handle of the device context;
  • handle - a variable handle of an object of HFont, HPen or HBrush class.
For example:
    // Create HPen object: a line thickness - 2px, a color - red
    oPen := HPen():Add( BS_SOLID, 2, 255 )
    // Select this object as current for hDC
    hwg_Selectobject( hDC, oPen:handle )
    // Draw a 2px red line
    hwg_Drawline( hDC, 5, 1, 100, 1 )

hwg_DeleteObject( handle )
Deletes a font, a pen, a brush, a bitmap or an icon. Pay attention that this function works on WinAPI/GTK level, it deletes not a HwGUI object, but WinaPI/GTK's. Ususlly it isn't needed to call it directly from your application, the Release() method of an appropriate HwGUI class does all necessary operations.
  • handle - a variable handle of an object of HFont, HPen, HBrush, HBitmap or HIcon class.

hwg_MoveTo( hDC, x1, y1 )
Changes current position of a pen on a drawing area.
  • hDC - handle of the device context;
  • x1, y1 - point coordinates.

hwg_LineTo( hDC, x1, y1 [, lClose] )
Draws a line from a current position to a point with given coordinates. Uses a pen, selected with the help of hwg_SelectObject().
  • hDC - handle of the device context;
  • x1, y1 - point coordinates;
  • lClose - an optional pframeter, GTK only, causes cairo_stroke() call.

hwg_Rectangle( hDC, x1, y1, x2, y2 [, hPen] )
Draws a rectangle with given coordinates. Uses a pen, selected with the help of hwg_SelectObject(), if hPen parameter is not passed.
  • hDC - handle of the device context;
  • x1, y1 - left top corner coordinates;
  • x2, y2 - right bottom corner coordinates.
  • hPen - pen handle

hwg_Rectangle_Filled( hDC, x1, y1, x2, y2 [, hPen | lPen] [, hBrush] )
Draws a rectangle with given coordinates and fills it. Uses a pen, selected with the help of hwg_SelectObject(), if hPen parameter is not passed. If logical .F. passed instead, the rectangle border will be absent.
  • hDC - handle of the device context;
  • x1, y1 - left top corner coordinates;
  • x2, y2 - right bottom corner coordinates.
  • hPen - pen handle
  • hBrush - brush handle

hwg_Triangle( hDC, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3 [, hPen] )
Draws a triangle with given coordinates. Uses a pen, selected with the help of hwg_SelectObject(), if hPen parameter is not passed. If logical .F. passed instead, the triangle border will be absent.
  • hDC - handle of the device context;
  • x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3 - coordinates;
  • hPen - pen handle

hwg_Triangle_Filled( hDC, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3 [, hPen | lPen] [, hBrush] )
Draws a triangle with given coordinates. Uses a pen, selected with the help of hwg_SelectObject(), if hPen parameter is not passed. If logical .F. passed instead, the triangle border will be absent.
  • hDC - handle of the device context;
  • x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3 - coordinates;
  • hPen - pen handle
  • hBrush - brush handle

hwg_RoundRect( hDC, x1, y1, x2, y2, iRadius [, hPen] )
Draws a rectangle with rounded corners. Uses a pen, selected with the help of hwg_SelectObject(), if hPen parameter is not passed.
  • hDC - handle of the device context;
  • x1, y1 - left top corner coordinates;
  • x2, y2 - right bottom corner coordinates;
  • iRadius - a radius of an ellipse used to draw rounded corners.
  • hPen - pen handle

hwg_RoundRect_Filled( hDC, x1, y1, x2, y2, iRadius [, hPen | lPen] [, hBrush] )
Draws a rectangle with rounded corners. Uses a pen, selected with the help of hwg_SelectObject(), if hPen parameter is not passed. If logical .F. passed instead, the rectangle border will be absent.
  • hDC - handle of the device context;
  • x1, y1 - left top corner coordinates;
  • x2, y2 - right bottom corner coordinates;
  • iRadius - a radius of an ellipse used to draw rounded corners.
  • hPen - pen handle
  • hBrush - brush handle

hwg_Ellipse( hDC, x1, y1, x2, y2 [, hPen] )
Draws an ellipse in a rectangle with given coordinates. Uses a pen and a brush, selected with the help of hwg_SelectObject(), if hPen is not passed.
  • hDC - handle of the device context;
  • x1, y1 - left top corner coordinates of a bounding rectangle;
  • x2, y2 - right bottom corner coordinates of a bounding rectangle;
  • hPen - pen handle

hwg_Ellipse_Filled( hDC, x1, y1, x2, y2 [, hPen | lPen] [, hBrush] )
Draws an ellipse in a rectangle with given coordinates and fills area inside. Uses a pen and a brush, selected with the help of hwg_SelectObject(), if hPen or hBrush parameter are not passed. If logical .F. passed instead of hPen, the border will be absent.
  • hDC - handle of the device context;
  • x1, y1 - left top corner coordinates of a bounding rectangle;
  • x2, y2 - right bottom corner coordinates of a bounding rectangle;
  • hPen - pen handle
  • hBrush - brush handle

hwg_DrawLine( hDC, x1, y1, x2, y2 )
Draws a line from one point to another. Uses a pen, selected with the help of hwg_SelectObject().
  • hDC - handle of the device context;
  • x1, y1 - first point coordinates.
  • x2, y2 - second point coordinates.

hwg_Pie( hDC, x1, y1, x2, y2, xr1, yr1, xr2, yr2 ) (Windows only)
Draws a pie-shaped wedge bounded by the intersection of an ellipse and two radials and fills area inside. Uses a pen and a brush, selected with the help of hwg_SelectObject().
  • hDC - handle of the device context;
  • x1, y1 - left top corner coordinates of a bounding rectangle;
  • x2, y2 - right bottom corner coordinates of a bounding rectangle;
  • xr1, yr1 - coordinates of the endpoint of the first radial;
  • xr2, yr2 - coordinates of the endpoint of the second radial.

hwg_FillRect( hDC, x1, y1, x2, y2, hBrush )
Fills a rectangle with given coordinates, using a passed brush.
  • hDC - handle of the device context;
  • x1, y1 - left top corner coordinates;
  • x2, y2 - right bottom corner coordinates;
  • hBrush - a handle of a brush ( may be oBrush:handle ).

hwg_Drawbutton( hDC, x1, y1, x2, y2, nFlag )
Draws a button.
  • hDC - handle of the device context;
  • x1, y1 - left top corner coordinates;
  • x2, y2 - right bottom corner coordinates;
  • nFlag - determines, how to draw a button:
       1 - normal;
       2 - pressed;
       5 - flat;
       6 - flat pressed.

hwg_DrawEdge( hDC, x1, y1, x2, y2, nFlag, nBorder ) (Windows only)
Draws one or more edges of rectangle.
  • hDC - handle of the device context;
  • x1, y1 - left top corner coordinates;
  • x2, y2 - right bottom corner coordinates;
  • nFlag - the type of inner and outer edges, it is a combination of one inner-border flag and one outer-border flag. For details look at the MSDN documentation for DrawEdge() function.
  • nBorder - the type of border, For details look at the MSDN documentation for DrawEdge() function.

hwg_gtk_DrawEdge( hDC, x1, y1, x2, y2, nFlag ) (GTK only)
Draws one or more edges of rectangle.
  • hDC - handle of the device context;
  • x1, y1 - left top corner coordinates;
  • x2, y2 - right bottom corner coordinates;
  • nFlag - determines, how to draw.

hwg_drawGradient( hDC, x1, y1, x2, y2, int type, array colors, array stops, array radiuses )
This function draws rectangle with rounded corners and fill it with gradient pattern.
  • hDC - handle of device context;
  • x1 and y1 - coordinates of upper left corner;
  • x2 and y2 - coordinates of bottom right corner;
  • type - the type of gradient filling:
       1 - vertical and down;
       2 - vertical and up;
       3 - horizontal and to the right;
       4 - horizontal and to the left;
       5 - diagonal right-up;
       6 - diagonal left-down;
       7 - diagonal right-down;
       8 - diagonal left-up;
       9 - radial gradient;
  • colors - our colors (maximum - 16 colors), a color can be represented as 0xBBGGRR;
  • stops - fractions on interval [0;1] that correspond to the colors, a stop determines the position where the corresponding color reaches its maximum;
  • radiuses - for our rounded corners:
       first - for upper left;
       second - for upper right;
       third - for bottom right;
       fourth - for bottom left;

hwg_OpenImage( cName | cBody [, lMem] )
Create a bitmap from the data stored in an image file or in a passed data. In most cases you don't need to call this function directly, use HBitmap():AddFile(cName) instead.
  • cName | cBody - the name of an image file or a string with a previously loaded image file content;
  • lMem - a logical variable must be set to .T., if a first parameter is a string with an image file content;
  • Return value - handle of a bitmap;

hwg_OpenBitmap( cName [, hDC] )
Creates a bitmap from the data stored in the bmp file. In most cases you don't need to call this function directly, use HBitmap():AddFile(cName) instead.
  • cName - name of a bmp file;
  • hDC - (optional) handle to a current device context.
  • Return value - handle of a bitmap;

hwg_SaveBitmap( cName, hBitmap )

hwg_StockBitmap( cName [,nSizeType] ) (GTK only)
GTK has a number of predefined stock icons, which can be used in application. It is very convenient because it saves the programmer from having to store the image files included with the executable. This function creates a bitmap from a stock object. In most cases you don't need to call this function directly, use HBitmap():AddStandard(cName) instead.
  • cName - name of a stock object. The set of names you may see, for example, with the help of Tutorial utility, chapter "Advanced using of controls", module "Browse of bitmaps" ;
  • nSizeType - (optional) type of a size, may be one of following:
       GTK_ICON_SIZE_BUTTON (default),
  • Return value - handle of a bitmap;

hwg_DrawBitmap( hDC, hBitmap, style, x, y [, width, height] )
Draws a bitmap.
  • hDC - handle of device context;
  • hBitmap - handle of a bitmap (oBitmap:handle usually);
  • style - (optional parameter, for WinAPI only). By default the value is SRCCOPY: copies the source rectangle directly to the destination rectangle;
  • x, y - coordinates of a point where to start drawing bitmap (left top corner);
  • width, height - width and height of a destination image (optional parameters, by default - original bitmap size).

hwg_DrawTransparentBitmap( hDC, hBitmap, x, y [,trColor] [, width, height] )
Draws a transparent bitmap.
  • hDC - handle of device context;
  • hBitmap - handle of a bitmap (oBitmap:handle usually);
  • x, y - coordinates of a point where to start drawing bitmap (left top corner);
  • trcolor - transparent color;
  • width, height - width and height of a destination image (optional parameters, by default - original bitmap size).

hwg_Drawgraybitmap( hDC, hBitmap, x, y ) (Windows only)
Draws a bitmap in grayscale mode.
  • hDC - handle of device context;
  • hBitmap - handle of a bitmap (oBitmap:handle usually);
  • x, y - coordinates of a point where to start drawing bitmap (left top corner).

hwg_SpreadBitmap( hDC, hBitmap [, nLeft, nTop, nRight, nBottom] )
This funtion spreads a bitmap over all the drawing area or within rectangle with passed coordinates by multiplying.
  • hDC - handle of device context;
  • hBitmap - handle of a bitmap (oBitmap:handle usually);
  • nLeft, nTop, nRight, nBottom - coordinates of a rectangle (optional).

hwg_Drawicon( hDC, hIcon, x1, y1 ) (Windows only)
Draws an icon.
  • hDC - handle of device context;
  • hIcon - handle of an icon (oIcon:handle usually);
  • x, y - coordinates of a point where to start drawing an icon (left top corner);

hwg_CenterBitmap( hDC, hWnd, hBitmap, style, brush ) (Windows only)

hwg_GetBitmapSize( hBitmap )
Returns an array with the size (width and height) of a bitmap.
  • hBitmap - handle of a bitmap (oBitmap:handle usually);
  • Return value - an array:
    aArray[1] - width of a bitmap;
    aArray[2] - height of a bitmap.

hwg_GetIconSize( hIcon ) (Windows only)
Returns an array with the size (width and height) of an icon.
  • hBitmap - handle of an icon (oIcon:handle usually);
  • Return value - an array:
    aArray[1] - width of an icon;
    aArray[2] - height of an icon.

hwg_Getsyscolor( nCode )
Retrieves the current color of the specified display element. Display elements are the parts of a window and the display that appear on the system display screen. In GTK version always return a background color of a main window.
hwg_GetsyscolorBrush( nCode ) (Windows only)
Retrieves a brush handle, corresponding to a current color of the specified display element. Display elements are the parts of a window and the display that appear on the system display screen.
hwg_Createpen( nStyle, nWidth, nColor )
Creates a pen with given parameters. Usually it isn't needed to call this function directly, use HPen():Add() instead.
  • nStyle - a pen style ( PS_SOLID, PS_DASH, PS_DOT, ... );
  • nWidth - a pen thickness;
  • nColor - numeric color representation;
  • Return value - a pen handle.

hwg_Createsolidbrush( nColor )
Creates a brush that has the specified color. Usually it isn't needed to call this function directly, use HBrush():Add() instead.
  • nColor - numeric color representation;
  • Return value - a brush handle.

hwg_Createhatchbrush( nHatch, nColor ) (Windows only)
Creates a brush that has the specified hatch pattern and color. Usually it isn't needed to call this function directly, use HBrush():Add() instead.
  • nHatch - the hatch style of the brush, look at MSDN, CreateHatchBrush() function.;
  • nColor - numeric color representation;
  • Return value - a brush handle.

hwg_GetDC( hWnd )
Returns handle of device context of GUI element. After using this handle must be released with a help of hwg_ReleaseDC( hWnd, hDC ).
  • hWnd - handle of GUI element;
  • Return value - handle of device context.

hwg_ReleaseDC( hWnd, hDC )
Releases handle of device context, which was created using hwg_GetDC( hWnd ).
  • hWnd - handle of appropriate GUI element;
  • hDC - handle of device context.

hwg_SaveDC( hDC ) (Windows only)

hwg_DeleteDC( hDC ) (Windows only)

hwg_Restoredc( hDC, nSavedDC ) (Windows only)

hwg_CreateCompatibleDC( hDC )

hwg_CreateCompatibleBitmap( hDC, nWidth, nHeight ) (Windows only)

hwg_Patblt( hDc, a, s, d, f, g ) (Windows only)

hwg_Bitblt( hDc, x, y, nWidth, nHeight, pSrcDC, xSrc, ySrc, nFlag )

hwg_Setmapmode( hDC, nMapMode ) (Windows only)

hwg_Setwindoworgex( hDC, x, y, @point ) (Windows only)

hwg_Setwindowextex( hDC, x, y, @point ) (Windows only)

hwg_Setviewportorgex( hDC, x, y, @point ) (Windows only)

hwg_Setviewportextex( hDC, x, y, @point ) (Windows only)

hwg_Setarcdirection( hDC, nArcDirection ) (Windows only)

hwg_Setrop2( hDC, nDrawMode ) (Windows only)

hwg_DrawFrameControl( hDC, nType, nState ) (Windows only)

hwg_TextOut( hDC, x, y, cText )
Draws a text. Uses a font, selected with the help of hwg_SelectObject().
  • hDC - handle of the device context;
  • x1, y1 - coordinates of a start point.
  • cText - the text string to draw.

hwg_DrawText( hDC, cText, x1 | aRect [, y1, x2, y2, nStyle [,aRect]] )
Draws a text in a given rectangle, aligned accorgingly to a passed parameter. Uses a font, selected with the help of hwg_SelectObject().
  • hDC - handle of the device context;
  • cText - the text string to draw.
  • x1, y1, x2, y2 - text area coordinates;
  • aRect - an array with text area coordinates, may be passed instead of x1, y1, x2, y2;
  • nStyle - alignment style: DT_LEFT (by default), DT_CENTER, DT_RIGHT.

hwg_GetTextMetric( hDC )
Returns an array with geometric text parameters for a given device contect, for a font, selected with the help of hwg_SelectObject().
  • hDC - handle of the device context;
  • Return value - an array:
       array[1] - a text height,
       array[2] - average character width;
       array[3] - maximal character width; (WinAPI only)
       array[4] - tmExternalLeading; (WinAPI only)
       array[5] - tmInternalLeading; (WinAPI only)
       array[6] - tmAscent; (WinAPI only)
       array[7] - tmDescent; (WinAPI only)
       array[8] - tmWeight. (WinAPI only)

hwg_GetTextSize( hDC, cText )
Returns an array with geometric text size for a given device contect, for a font, selected with the help of hwg_SelectObject().
  • hDC - handle of the device context;
  • Return value - an array:
       array[1] - a text width,
       array[2] - a text height;

hwg_GetClientRect( handle )

hwg_GetWindowRect( handle )

hwg_SetTextColor( hDC, nColor )
Sets text color for a drawing.
  • hDC - handle of the device context;
  • nColor - new color value;
  • Return value - previous color value.

hwg_GetTextColor( hDC )
Returns current text color setting for a drawing area.
  • hDC - handle of the device context;
  • Return value - previous color value.

hwg_SetBkColor( hDC, nColor )
Sets background color for a drawing.
  • hDC - handle of the device context;
  • nColor - new color value;
  • Return value - previous color value.

hwg_GetBkColor( hDC )
Returns current background color setting for a drawing area.
  • hDC - handle of the device context;
  • Return value - previous color value.

hwg_SetTransparentMode( hDC, lTransparent )
Sets or unsets a transparent mode for a writing text on a drawing area.
  • hDC - handle of the device context;
  • lTransparent - boolean value, sets a transparent mode if true, unsets - if false.

hwg_Exttextout( hDC, x, y, x1, y1, x2, y2, cText ) (Windows only)

hwg_WindowFromDC( hDC ) (Windows only)
Retrieves a handle of GUI element by it hDC.
  • hDC - handle of device context;
  • Return value - handle of GUI element.

hwg_Loadimage( hInstance, cName, nType, nWidth, nHeight, nFlags ) (Windows only)

hwg_Loadbitmap( nId | cName [,l] ) (Windows only)

hwg_Window2bitmap( hWnd [, x1, y1, width, height] )
Creates a bitmap from a given region of a window or control. If coordinates aren't passed, the whole window is used.
  • hWnd - window handle;
  • x1, y1 - coordinates of a top left corner of a selected region;
  • width, height - width and height of a selected region;
  • Return value - handle of a bitmap.

hwg_RedrawWindow( handle, nFlags, x1, y1, nWidth, nHeight )

hwg_Invalidaterect( handle, lEraseBack, x1, y1, x2, y2 )

hwg_GetPpsRect( pps ) (Windows only)

hwg_GetPpsErase( pps ) (Windows only)

hwg_GetUpdateRect( hWnd ) (Windows only)

5.4. Windows handling functions.

  • Return value - an object of HDialog class, a current modal dialog; Nil - if there is no opened modal dialog.

hwg_EndDialog( [handle] )
Closes a dialog with a handle; if handle isn't passed, the current modal dialog is closed.
  • handle - optional parameter, a handle of a dialog window, which should be closed.

Closes the main window.

hwg_isWindow( hWnd ) (Windows only)
Determines whether the specified window handle identifies an existing window.
  • Return value (logical) - .T., if the window handle identifies an existing window.

hwg_FlashWindow( hWnd ) (Windows only)
Flashes the specified window one time - change the appearance of its caption bar as if the window were changing from inactive to active status, or vice versa.
  • hWnd - window handle.

  • Return value - handle of an active window.

hwg_GetInstance (Windows only)

hwg_SetWindowStyle( handle, nStyle ) (Windows only)
This function sets a WinAPI style to GUI element.
  • handle - handle of GUI element;
  • nStyle - WinAPI style.

hwg_GetWindowStyle( handle ) (Windows only)
This function returns a WinAPI style of GUI element.
  • handle - handle of GUI element;
  • Return value - (numeric) WinAPI style.

hwg_SetWindowExtStyle( handle, nStyle ) (Windows only)
This function sets an extended WinAPI style to GUI element.
  • handle - handle of GUI element;
  • nStyle - an extended WinAPI style.

hwg_GetWindowExtStyle( handle ) (Windows only)
This function returns an extended WinAPI style of GUI element.
  • handle - handle of GUI element;
  • Return value - (numeric) an extended WinAPI style.

hwg_FindWindow( cClassName, cWindowName) (Windows only)

hwg_SetForegroundWindow( handle ) (Windows only)

hwg_BringToTop( handle ) (Windows only)
Sets the window over all other windows.
  • handle - window handle.

hwg_ResetWindowPos( handle ) (Windows only)

hwg_UpdateWindow( handle ) (Windows only)

hwg_CenterWindow( handle )
Centers a window on a screen.
  • handle - window handle.

hwg_RestoreWindow( handle )
Restores the default window size.
  • handle - window handle.

hwg_EnableWindow( handle, lEnable )
Enables or disables GUI element (window or control).
  • handle - handle of a GUI element;
  • lEnable - (logical) enable, if .T., disable if .F..

hwg_isWindowEnabled( handle )
Checks, if the GUI element (window or control) is enabled.
  • handle - handle of a GUI element;
  • Return value - (logical) .T., if GUI element is enabled.

hwg_HideWindow( handle )
Hide GUI element (window or control).
  • handle - handle of a GUI element.

hwg_ShowWindow( handle )
Show GUI element (window or control).
  • handle - handle of a GUI element.

hwg_ProcessMessage( [lMdi] [, nSleep] )

hwg_PeekMessage( hWnd ) (Windows only)

hwg_DoEvents() (Windows only)

hwg_SendMessage( handle, nMessage, wParam, lParam ) (Windows only)

hwg_PostMessage( handle, nMessage, wParam, lParam ) (Windows only)

hwg_SetWindowObject( handle, object )

hwg_GetWindowObject( handle )

hwg_SetWindowText( handle, cTitle )
Changes the text of the specified window's title bar or the text of a control.
  • handle - handle of a GUI element;
  • cTitle - the text.

hwg_GetWindowText( handle )
Returns the text of the specified window's title bar or the text of a control.
  • handle - handle of a GUI element;
  • Return value - the text.

hwg_SetWindowFont( handle, hFont, l ) (Windows only)

hwg_GetLastError() (Windows only)
Retrieves the calling thread's last-error code value.
  • Return value - (numeric) error code value.

hwg_isIconic( hWnd ) (Windows only)
Determines whether the specified window is minimized (iconic).
  • hWnd - a window handle.
  • Return value - (logical) .T., if window is minimized.

hwg_isWindowVisible( hWnd ) (Windows only)
Returns a window state (visible/hidden).
  • hWnd - a window handle.
  • Return value - (logical) .T., if window is visible, .F. - if hidden.

hwg_ExitProcess() (Windows only)

hwg_WindowSetResize( hWnd, lResizeable )
Sets the window resizeable or no resizeable.
  • hWnd - handle of a window;
  • lResizeable - boolean argument.

hwg_SetTopmost( hWnd )
Sets a window as Topmost, i.e. makes it visible independently of it state (is it active or no).
  • hWnd - a window handle.

hwg_RemoveTopmost( hWnd )
Resets the Topmost mode (look at hwg_SetTopmost()).
  • hWnd - a window handle.

hwg_ChildWindowFromPoint( hWnd, x, y ) (Windows only)

hwg_WindowFromPoint( hWnd, x, y ) (Windows only)

hwg_GetFontDialogUnits( hWnd ) (Windows only)

hwg_GetWindowPlacement( handle ) (Windows only)

hwg_ClearKeyboard() (Windows only)

5.5. Controls handling functions.

hwg_SetFocus( handle )
Sets the keyboard focus to the specified GUI element (window or control).
  • handle - handle of a GUI element;
  • Return value - handle to the GUI element that previously had the keyboard focus.

Retrieves the handle to the GUI element (window or control) that has the keyboard focus.
  • Return value - handle to the GUI element that has the keyboard focus.

hwg_WriteStatus( oWnd, nPart, cText, lRedraw )
Writes a text string to a fragment of a status pane. This function works for a standard Status and or a Status Panel.
  • oWnd - the window with the status pane, an object of one of subclasses of HWindow class;
  • nPart - a number of a fragment of the status pane;
  • CText - a text for the status pane;
  • lRedraw - .T., to redraw status pane immedeately.

hwg_FindParent( hCtrl )
Returns an object of a parent GUI element for a widget by it handle.
  • hCtrl - a handle of a widget;
  • Return value - an object of a parent GUI element.

hwg_FindSelf( hCtrl )
Returns an object of a widget by it handle.
  • hCtrl - a handle of a widget;
  • Return value - an object of a widget.

hwg_getParentForm( oCtrl )
Returns an object of a window, which includes a given widget. The distinction from hwg_FindParent() is the following: hwg_FindParent() looks for a direct parent, it may be another widget, such as Tab, Panel or Toolbar. hwg_getParentForm() always returns a window, which includes the given widget.
  • oCtrl - an object of a widget;
  • Return value - an object of a window.

hwg_MoveWindow( handle, nLeft, nTop, nWidth, nHeight, lRepaint )

hwg_DestroyWindow( handle )

hwg_Createarlist( oBrw, arr )

hwg_CreateList( oBrw, lEditable )

hwg_VScrollPos( oBrw, nType, lEof, nPos )

hwg_HScrollPos( oBrw, nType, lEof, nPos )


hwg_ShowProgress( nStep, maxPos, nRange, cTitle, oWnd, x1, y1, width, height ) (Windows only)

hwg_UpdateProgressBar( handle )

hwg_SetProgressBar( handle, nPos )

hwg_SetRangeProgressBar( handle, nValue )

hwg_trackbarsetrange( handle, nLow, nHigh ) (Windows only)

hwg_SetMonthCalendarDate( handle , dValue )

hwg_GetMonthCalendarDate( handle )

hwg_Setctrlfont( parentHandle, nId, hFont ) (Windows only)

hwg_Setctrlfont( handle, hFont ) (GTK only)

hwg_AddTooltip( handle, cTooltip )
Add a tooltip to the control.
  • handle - handle of the control;
  • cTooltip - a text of a tooltip.

hwg_DelTooltip( handle )
Delete a tooltip of the control.
  • handle - handle of the control.

hwg_SetTooltipTitle( handle, cTooltip )
Update the text of a tooltip.
  • handle - handle of the control;
  • cTooltip - a new text of a tooltip.

hwg_SetUpdown( handle, nValue )

hwg_SetRangeUpdown( handle, n1, n2 )

hwg_SetDatePicker( handle, dValue ) (Windows only)

hwg_SetDatePickerNull( handle ) (Windows only)

hwg_GetDatePicker( handle ) (Windows only)

hwg_GetTimePicker( handle ) (Windows only)

hwg_AddTab( handle, cName )

hwg_DeleteTab( handle, nPage )

hwg_GetCurrentTab( handle )

hwg_SetCurrentTab( handle, nPage ) (GTK only)

hwg_SetTabSize( handle, nWidth, nHeight ) (Windows only)

hwg_GetTabHeight( handle ) (Windows only)

hwg_SetTabName( handle, nPage, cName )

hwg_CreateImageList( aImages, nWidth, nHeight, nGrow, nFlags ) (Windows only)

hwg_DestroyImageList( handle ) (Windows only)

hwg_Imagelist_Add( handle, hBitmap ) (Windows only)

hwg_Imagelist_AddMasked( handle, hBitmap, nMask ) (Windows only)

hwg_ImageList_GetImageCount( handle ) (Windows only)

hwg_getParent( handle )
Returns handle of a parent GUI element, using a system call WinAPI/GTK - so, it is faster, than with the help of oParent variable of appropriate object.
  • handle - handle of a control;
  • Return value - handle of a parent GUI element.

hwg_getAncestor( handle ) (Windows only)

hwg_LoadCursor( cursor )

hwg_SetCursor( cursor, hCtrl )

  • cursor - cursor handle;
  • hCtrl - handle of the widget under cursor (GTK only).

hwg_GetCursor() (Windows only)

hwg_SetTooltipBalloon( lBalloon ) (Windows only)

hwg_GetTooltipBalloon() (Windows only)

hwg_SetDlgItemText( parentHandle, nId, cText ) (Windows only)
Sets the title or text of a control.
  • parentHandle - handle of a parent window (oCtrl:oParent:handle);
  • nId - id of a control (oCtrl:id);
  • cText - text string to be set.

hwg_GetDlgItemText( parentHandle, nId ) (Windows only)
Retrieves the title or text associated with a control.
  • parentHandle - handle of a parent window (oCtrl:oParent:handle);
  • nId - id of a control (oCtrl:id);
  • Return value - text string, displayed in a control.

hwg_GetEditText( parentHandle, nId ) (Windows only)
Retrieves the text associated with an edit control.
  • parentHandle - handle of a parent window (oCtrl:oParent:handle);
  • nId - id of a control (oEdit:id);
  • Return value - text string, displayed in an edit control.

hwg_edit_Getpos( handle )
Returns the cursor position in an edit control.
  • handle - handle of an edit control (oEdit:handle);
  • Return value - a number 1 ... - a cursor position.

hwg_edit_Setpos( handle, nPos )
Sets the cursor position in an edit control.
  • handle - handle of an edit control (oEdit:handle);
  • nPos - number 1 ... - a cursor position.

hwg_CheckDlgButton( parentHandle, nId, lValue ) (Windows only)

hwg_isDlgButtonChecked( parentHandle, nId ) (Windows only)

hwg_ComboAddString( handle, cText ) (Windows only)

hwg_ComboInsertString( handle, nPos, cText ) (Windows only)

hwg_ComboSetString( handle, nPos ) (Windows only)

hwg_ListboxAddString( handle, cValue ) (Windows only)

hwg_ModifyStyle( hWnd, nStyleDel, nStyleAdd ) (Windows only)

hwg_re_SetCharFormat( hCtrl, n1, n2, nColor, cName, nHeight, lBold, lItalic, lUnderline, nCharset, lSuperScript/lSubscript, lProtected ) (Windows only)

hwg_re_SetDefault( hCtrl, nColor, cName, nHeight, lBold, lItalic, lUnderline, nCharset ) (Windows only)

hwg_re_CharFromPos( hEdit, xPos, yPos ) (Windows only)

hwg_re_GetTextRange( hEdit, n1, n2 ) (Windows only)

hwg_re_GetLine( hEdit, nLine ) (Windows only)

hwg_re_InsertText( hEdit, cText ) (Windows only)

hwg_re_FindText( hEdit, cFind, nStart, bCase, bWholeWord, bSearchUp ) (Windows only)

hwg_re_SetZoom( hEdit, nNum, nDen ) (Windows only)

hwg_re_SetZoomOff( hEdit ) (Windows only)

hwg_re_GetZoom( hEdit, @nNum, @nDen ) (Windows only)

hwg_PrintRtf( hEdit, hDC ) (Windows only)

hwg_SaveRichedit( hEdit, cFileName ) (Windows only)

hwg_LoadRichedit( hEdit, cFileName ) (Windows only)

5.6. Menu functions.

Hwg_AddMenuItem( aMenu, cItem, nMenuId, lSubMenu, bItem, nPos )

Hwg_DefineMenuItem( cItem, nId, bItem, lDisabled, accFlag, accKey, lBitmap, lResource, lCheck )

Hwg_DefineAccelItem( nId, bItem, accFlag, accKey )

Hwg_InsertBitmapMenu( aMenu, nId, lBitmap, oResource ) (Windows only)

Hwg_SetMenuItemBitmaps( aMenu, nId, abmp1, abmp2 ) (Windows only)

hwg_DeleteMenuItem( oWnd, nId )

Hwg_FindMenuItem( aMenu, nId, nPos )

hwg_CheckMenuItem( hWnd, nId, lValue )

hwg_IsCheckedMenuItem( hWnd, nId )

hwg_EnableMenuItem( hWnd, nId, lValue )

hwg_IsEnabledMenuItem( hWnd, nId )

hwg_SetMenuCaption( hWnd, nId, cText )

hwg_GetMenuCaption( hWnd, nId )

hwg_DrawMenuBar( hWnd )

hwg_SetMenuBackColor( hWnd, nColor[, lSubmenus] )

5.7. Windows registry.

hwg_RegCreateKey( handle, cKeyName ) (Windows only)

hwg_RegOpenKey( handle, cKeyName ) (Windows only)

hwg_RegCloseKey( handle ) (Windows only)

hwg_RegSetString( handle, cKeyName, cKeyValue ) (Windows only)

hwg_RegSetBinary( handle, cKeyName, cBinValue ) (Windows only)

hwg_RegGetValue( handle, cKeyName [,nType] ) (Windows only)

5.8. Miscellaneous functions.

hwg_GetItemByName( arr, cName )
Returns an object from an array by its name, which is kept as :objname.
  • arr - an array with HwGUI objects,
  • cName - a name of HwGUI object.

hwg_Version( n )
Returns an information about current HwGUI version. The optional parameter defines the kind of information:
  • n == 1: returns a short string with version number, e.g. "2.20",
  • n == 2: returns an integer build number,
  • n == 3: returns a logical value, which tells, if this is a UNICODE build,
  • n is omitted: returns a string with full information.

hwg_WriteLog( cText [, fname] )
Adds a text to a file, the functions is intended for debugging purposes.
  • cText - the text to be written;
  • fname - (optional) a file name, the default is "a.log".

hwg_SetDlgKey( [oDlg], nCtrl, nKey, block [, lGlobal] )
Sets a "hot key" for a window/dialog or globally - for all the application. There is appropriate command, which is preprocessed into this function: SET KEY.
  • oDlg - (optional, default value is default parent window) an object of subclass of HWindow, the window, a key is set for;
  • nCtrl - a code of a control key (e.g. FCONTROL), 0 - if not defined;
  • nKey - a key code,
  • block - a codeblock, which should be evaluated while pressing the key;
  • lGlobal - (optional, default is .F.) - logical value, which determines, if the "hot key" is set globally.

hwg_ColorC2N( cColor )
Converts color representation from string to numeric format.
  • cColor - a string in #RRGGBB format, describing the color;
  • Return value - an integer representation of a color.

hwg_ColorN2C( nColor )
Converts color representation from numeric to string format.
  • nColor - an integer representation of a color;
  • Return value - a string in RRGGBB format, describing the color.

hwg_ColorN2RGB( nColor [, @nRed, @nGreen, @nBlue] )
Converts color representation from one numeric value to three, which corresponds to red, green and blue. You may get the result by passing parameters by reference or using the return value.
  • nColor - an integer representation of a color;
  • nRed - (optional) red component, passed by reference;
  • nGreen - (optional) green component, passed by reference;
  • nBlue - (optional) blue component, passed by reference;
  • Return value - an array of three numbers, which corresponds to red, green and blue color components.

hwg_ColorRgb2N( nRed, nGreen, nBlue )
Converts three color components (red, green and blue) to a numeric value.
  • nRed - red component;
  • nGreen - green component;
  • nBlue - blue component;
  • Return value - a numeric color representation.

hwg_BmpFromRes( cBmp )
Creates a bitmap from the data stored in the resources or in the binary container (if it is previouslu opened with hwg_SetResContainer() function). In most cases you don't need to call this function directly, use HBitmap():AddResource(cBmp) instead.
  • cName - name of a bmp resource;
  • Return value - handle of a bitmap;

hwg_SetResContainer( cName )
Opens a file of a binary container and sets is as a current fot resources retrieving. Corresponding command: SET RESOURCES CONTAINER TO.
  • cName - a full path and name of a binary container;
  • Return value - (logical) .T., if a file is opened successfully and .F. - in other case.

hwg_SetCtrlName( oCtrl, cName )

hwg_RefreshAllGets( oDlg )
Refresh the state of all GET-elements in a window.
  • oDlg - the window with GET-elements, an object of one of subclasses of HWindow.

hwg_IsCtrlShift( lCtrl, lShift ) (Windows only)

hwg_GetSkip( oParent, hCtrl, nSkip )
Sets the input focus to other GET item.
  • oParent - an object of a parent window;
  • hCtrl - a handle of a control;
  • nSkip - a number of GET items to skip (positive or negative).

hwg_SetGetUpdated( oEdit )
Sets the state of a GET item as updated.
  • oEdit - a GET item, an object of a HEDIT class.

hwg_SetColorinFocus( lDef, tColor, bColor )

hwg_Chr( nCode )
hwg_Substr( cString, nPos, nLen )
hwg_Left( cString, nLen )
hwg_Len( cString )

Lets to determine, is this HwGUI binary compiled in Unicode mode.
  • Return value - (logical) .T., if Hwgui library is build with Unicode support.

Returns a list of printers, registered in OS.
  • Return value - an array of printers names.

hwg_Createfont( fontName, nWidth, nHeight, fnWeight, fdwCharSet, fdwItalic, fdwUnderline, fdwStrikeOut )

Returns a list of fonts, registered in OS.
  • Return value - an array of fonts names.

hwg_HdSerial( cDrive ) (Windows only)

hwg_HdGetSerial( cDrive ) (Windows only)

Hwg_GetIni( cSection, cEntry, cDefault, cFile ) (Windows only)

Hwg_WriteIni( cSection, cEntry, cValue, cFile ) (Windows only)

hwg_TxtRect( cTxt, oWin, oFont )

hwg_ErrMsg( oError )

hwg_ShellNotifyIcon( lAdd, hWnd, hIcon, cTooltip ) (Windows only)

hwg_ShellModifyIcon( hWnd, hIcon, cTooltip ) (Windows only)

hwg_ShellExecute( cFile, cOperation, cParams, cDir, nFlag )

hwg_GetLocaleInfo() (Windows only)

Hwg_SetDlgResult( handle, nValue ) (Windows only)

hwg_SetCapture( hWnd ) (Windows only)

hwg_ReleaseCapture() (Windows only)

hwg_CopyStringToClipboard( cString )

hwg_GetClipboardText( hWnd )

hwg_GetStockObject( nId ) (Windows only)

hwg_LoWord( n )
Retrieves the low-order word from the specified 32-bit value.
  • n - the value to be converted;
  • Return value - the low-order word of the specified value.

hwg_HiWord( n )
Retrieves the high-order word from the specified 32-bit value.
  • n - the value to be converted;
  • Return value - the high-order word of the specified value.

hwg_BitOr( n1, n2 )
hwg_BitAnd( n1, n2 )
hwg_BitAndInverse( n1, n2 )
hwg_SetBit( n, nBit )
hwg_CheckBit( n, nBit )
Bit functions as in Harbour ( hb_bitand(),... ).

hwg_Sin( n )
hwg_Cos( n )
Two mathematical functions.

hwg_ClientToScreen( handle, x1, y1 ) (Windows only)

hwg_ScreenToClient( handle, x1, y1 ) (Windows only)

hwg_GetCursorPos() (Windows only)

hwg_SetCursorPos( x, y ) (Windows only)

hwg_WinExec( cCommand, nFlag ) (Windows only)

hwg_GetKeyboardState( nState )
This function returns a keyboard state string, which allows to determine, is Ctrl, Shift or Alt key is pressed. It should be called inside events handler, in GTK version lParam must be passed as nState parameter.
  • nState - lParam (third parameter in an event handler) - for GTK version only;
  • Return value - a 255 bytes length string.

hwg_Getkeystate( nKey ) (Windows only)

hwg_GetKeyNameText( nCode ) (Windows only)

hwg_Pts2Pix( nPoints [,hDC] ) (Windows only)

hwg_GetWindowsDir() (Windows only)

hwg_GetSystemDir() (Windows only)

hwg_GetTempDir() (Windows only)

hwg_Postquitmessage( nExitCode ) (Windows only)

Returns a width of a desktop in pixels.

Returns a height of a desktop in pixels.

hwg_GetNextDlgTabItem ( parentHandle, ::handle, lNext ) (Windows only)
Returns a handle of a next or previous control in a window.
  • parentHandle - handle of a parent window;
  • handle - handle of a current control;
  • lNext - .T., if a next control is demanded, .F. - if the previous;
  • Return value - handle of a next or previous control.

hwg_Sleep( n )

hwg_SetScrollInfo( handle, nType, nRedraw, nHScrollPos , nPage, nHscrollMax ) (Windows only)

hwg_GetScrollRange( handle, nType, @minPos, @maxPos ) (Windows only)

hwg_SetScrollRange( handle, nType, minPos, maxPos ) (Windows only)

hwg_GetScrollPos( handle, nType ) (Windows only)

hwg_SetScrollPos( handle, nType, nPos ) (Windows only)

hwg_ShowScrollBar( handle, nType, lShow ) (Windows only)

hwg_ScrollWindow( handle, n1, n2 ) (Windows only)

hwg_isCapslockActive() (Windows only)

hwg_isNumlockActive() (Windows only)

hwg_isScrolllockActive() (Windows only)

hwg_CreateDirectory( cDirName ) (Windows only)

hwg_RemoveDirectory( cDirName ) (Windows only)

hwg_SetCurrentDirectory( cDirName ) (Windows only)

hwg_DeleteFile( cFileName ) (Windows only)

hwg_GetFileAttributes( cFileName ) (Windows only)

hwg_SetFileAttributes( cFileName, nAttr ) (Windows only)

hwg_GetComputerName() (Windows only)

hwg_GetUserName( [@nLength] ) (Windows only)

hwg_PtrToUlong( ptr )
Converts a variable of Pointer type to a long integer. This is necessary in some cases for handling parameters of system messages.
  • ptr - a variable of Pointer type;
  • Return value - long integer.

hwg_Isptreq( handle1, handle2 )
Compares two pointers, returns .T., if they are equal.

hwg_OutputDebugString( cText ) (Windows only)

hwg_Getsystemmetrics( nCode ) (Windows only)

hwg_GetBackBrush( handle ) (Windows only)

hwg_LastKey() (Windows only)

hwg_isWin7() (Windows only)

hwg_ProcessRun( cCommand ) (Windows only)

hwg_RunConsoleApp( cCommand [, cOutFile] )
Executes a console program in sync mode, waiting for result.
  • cCommand - a command line to execute;
  • cOutFile - optional parameter, a file name for program output;
  • Return value - (integer) program exit code.

hwg_RunApp( cCommand [, nFlag] [, lAsync] )

hwg_onAnchor( oWnd, wold, hold, wnew, hnew )




edi_utf8_Upper( cText )

edi_utf8_Lower( cText )

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